[Salon] Orban proposes a European NATO without the USA


Orban proposes a European NATO without the USA

Hungarian Prime Minister Orban gave an interview to Swiss World Week calling for the creation of a European NATO without the USA.


2. March 2023 3:23 pm

The idea of the Hungarian Prime Minister Orban to demand a European NATO without the USA should not be well received in Washington. Orban suggested this in an interview with the Swiss World Week. Unfortunately, I did not find the interview freely accessible on the net, which is why I translate the report from the Russian news agency TASS about it.

Start of the translation:

Orban proposes the creation of a European NATO without the USA

Washington often pursues personal interests when it comes to international security issues, according to the Hungarian Prime Minister

The countries of the EU should establish their own defense alliance without the USA, as the latter often pursue personal interests in international security issues. This opinion was expressed by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in an interview published by the Swiss weekly newspaper Die Weltwoche on Thursday.

In his opinion, EU countries should make additional efforts to strengthen their security and defend themselves without relying on US help. "A European NATO would be the solution. I already proposed this in 2012," said Orban. He also said that the approach of the Western countries to the conflict in Ukraine is determined by the USA, while Europe loses its identity "emotionally and intellectually".

The Prime Minister is of the opinion that "today, at least in the West, there is a lack of will" to solve the situation in Ukraine. Many nations - Arabs, Brazilians, Indians, Chinese, Turks - want a quick end to the conflict, he said. "But the West has lost its ability to unite the world for a cause. The basic principles of philosophy are spatially limited. This is a new phenomenon," Orban added in the interview with a Swiss magazine, as reported by the Hungarian news agency MTI.

End of translation

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